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Після «Медових воріт» багато споживачів почувались зрадженими, розгубленими та залишалися з почуттям незахищеності, не знаючи, що шукати чи де робити покупки, шукаючи якісний мед. Саме ця відсутність знань та впевненості споживачів надихнула нас на створення «Вулику моїх сусідів», намагаючись просувати мед та інші продукти «Вулик додому».

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“Api-Map” та сприяти його використанню як інструменту, який допоможе споживачам знайти і зв’язатися з бджолярами в їх місцевій місцевості, що дозволить їм купувати якісний мед, а також інший продукт з вуликів якомога ближче до джерела. підтримувати бджільництво та пасічників скрізь.


Over the years Mr. Linden would try his hand at several different jobs in varying industries, even owning his own Wine Bar from 2015 - 2019. All the while he always looked back on his time as a beekeeper with fondness often stating that one of the most interesting and enjoyable jobs he ever had was at Owens Apiaries.

In December of 2019 Andrew's career path took a turn back into the beekeeping industry when he was hired as a customer service representative with Mann Lake LTD. Remembering his enjoyable experience as a beekeeper as well as seeking to gain hands on practical experience and knowledge of Mann lake products, Andrew and his wife Lana enthusiastically purchased two hives in the spring of 2020 and Linden Apiaries was born!

Andrew has always approached every job with a studious mindset and this one was no different. He has worked to build upon the knowledge gained during his tenure with Owens Apiaries by reading articles and books on beekeeping as well as discussing theory and practices with both commercial and hobby beekeepers alike. He knows that the more knowledge he gains the better beekeeper he can become which in turn will allow him to better serve his customers. 

 As most beekeepers have experienced, keeping bees can easily become a passion and the number of hives him and his wife have continue to grow. As of now they have no intention of becoming commercial beekeepers, at least until retirement,   for now they simply wish to continue with their bees as a source of enjoyment, knowledge and of course some honey for themselves as well as their family, friends, and neighbors.

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